Sunday, August 26, 2012

Happy Sunday to you all!

So, I bet you are wondering why I am sitting here all alone.
Staring at toys that aren't mine,
and I am watching TV all by my lonesome.
Mama was busy cutting some crafty stuff.
And Daddy was busy with..

So, here is the story.
Daddy took me out to go potty.
I walked outside, and Daddy noticed something wriggle pass our door!
It was a snake!
So, since Daddy watched lots of Animal Planet and NatGeo and decided he could catch it!
He didn't want it coming into the house, or scaring Mama when going outside.
Long story short...
2 hours later... 
He caught it with his bare hands, put it in a pillowcase, then in the cardboard box.  Then decided to take it across the street and set him free on the hill.

To do that, he needed a box with a lid.

So, off they went.
He was about 3-4 feet long.
And we looked it up, he ended up a California King Snake.

Daddy said there was a little field mouse right where he let the snake go.
I hope you enjoy your new home!
Don't come back please! 

That was a lot of work, I am tuckered out!

Now to the regular check in post...

Sissy went for a playdate at her friend Zach's.

Sissy loves everything Sophie! (Giraffe)

Who knows what she and Brennen were doing here, but it looks like they are up to no good.  And it looks like my sister is the leader.  Great.

There were a lot of boys there.
Sissy decided to separate her from the herd and hung out in the pack n play.
Daddy was glad to see her staying away from the boys, but said she looked like she was in some kind of penalty box.

I think she was trying to escape.

Everyone was supposed to bring a toy.  So, Mama brought her tent and tunnel. 
It took some coaching, but friend Brennen got her through the tunnel.

Sissy also went to Full Spectrum Photography's open house.
It is owned by her friend Daniel's parents. 
They had balloons.

And sweets..
(she's saying, "give me that cookie!")

She also got a tour of the new studio.

This blurry picture is exactly why my mama isn't a professional.

I think she is planning to take the place over.

All work and no play makes Sissy a boring girl. 
So, they went shopping at Neiman's!
It's always fun to play there!
We have an activity box like this, but for some reason, she likes toys that aren't hers.

There were lots of animals to play with.
This panda is huge!

So is this Sophie!

and of course, her favorite...the piano.

Now that my leg is better, the house is getting back to normal.
So, I am taking my rightful place in my normal spot on the couch.

Stay cool and relax!  See you next week!

Monday, August 20, 2012

I'm late again, sorry....

Yes, yes, I know.
It was too good to be true when I was actually on time with the blog.
But, know that I am the one paying for it.
Now, there is just too much to report.

Where do I start?
My sister's friends are all turning one!
So, she has been partying like a rock star! 
First, she went to her friend Rory's party.

This is Sissy with the birthday girl.
(It's hard to get 2 babies to look at the camera)

It was hot, but Sissy still had fun.
She went to feed birds!
After that, the park police came after her.
She's not supposed to feed the animals.
I don't see the problem, I love when she feeds me!

Then, she went to cousin Mia's party! 

They went with Great Grandpa! 
It was hot, but fun!

Sissy played games...

And even sang, "Happy Birthday" to Mia.
Thank goodness she isn't as tone deaf as Mama.

Mia got to wear 2 pretty outfits.
This fluffy dress...

And a Korean outfit.
My sister told me that she hopes she gets to have a wardrobe change too!

Then Mia got to pick out a toy that decides what she is going to be when she grows up.

Sissy loves cousin Mia.
People kept saying that they looked alike.  But, I just think they are the same age, and they are both half Asian and half white.  But, they are cousins, so maybe they look a little bit like each other.

One thing about birthdays that there are sweets everywhere!


Just kidding.
Mama only gave me some of the cake part.
She doesn't get to test the icing until her own birthday.

It has been super hot lately! 
So, we all have to keep hydrated.

It has been so warm, that all the mommies are trying to be creative about what to do in the air conditioning.
This day, they went to play at Ikea! 
Are there a lot of mosquitoes in Ikea?
Every bed had a net!

There were chairs just the right size for my sister!

Friend Brennen climbed on them too!
But, he lost his shoe.
Can you find it for him?

Ms. Kim thought it was super funny to make an owl puppet attack my sister.

Sissy found a table that she fit in perfectly.
And right away, she started learning.

So, she and Brennen played "school".
They did really well.  They sat nicely and counted their wooden thingies.
Mama was actually tearing up a bit.  Thinking they will be in preschool in a couple years.

Another way to be indoors...
Is Mama bought my sister a tube to crawl through. 
It's pretty long.

I sniffed it...

and checked it out for her.
And gave her the green light.
She was good to go through!

She did pretty well!

And I went in after her.
But, she was so slow!
This is me, saying, "Get out of my way!  I need to get out!" and I am pushing her little bald head out!

She didn't go back through.
She decided to play outside it.

It was a group decision.
We both decided it was safer outside of the tunnel.

"Why are all my clothes here?!  What do you mean they are too small?!"

Sissy got to visit Great Grandpa! 
He's super nice and let's Sissy do anything she wants.

And she got to see Ji-chan!

Ji-chan lets her do anything she wants too.
He called her a busybody, many many times.

She picked oranges...

and lemons!
Well, she stole lemons from the neighbors.

Then, with everything going on in London,
my sister had to get in on the action. 
She went to the Baby Olympics!

There was book flinging...

weight lifting...

slam dunk contest...

Just like Daddy.

Piano composition...


More piano...(a lot more, I think it was her favorite)

Sea creature wrangling...

Tunnel crawling...
(which we all know, she won't do)

(and every other baby there too.)

Mama was pretty proud!

Sissy was just checking to see if it was real.

One day, it was hot, and Sissy stopped at Auntie Tia's (Ericka) house.
(Can you see her sweaty little head?)
Sissy tried to sabotage Tia's SongPop game by eating her earbuds.
Daddy was grateful.

This is a big box of old Happy Meal toys from McDonald's.
Auntie Tia keeps them in the living room for when kids come to visit.

These are actually my mama's!
Thank you for saving them!
Sissy had fun playing with something from Mama's past.

Like I said, it has been hot.
So, I just hang out in my crate and stay cool.

But, Sissy finds exciting ways to stay cool!
What can be making her so happy?!

Sissy had heard stories of how yummy it is from her friend "C" in Hawaii.
So, she was super excited to try it out!

Brennen hated it.
It was so funny.  Bite after bite, he just didn't like it.

But Sissy loved it!

Phew!  This was an tiring week!

With everything going on, I almost forgot to tell you!
My little blog has gone over the
Thank you!
I am not sure why it is exciting, but it is!

Blogging, the heat, keeping an eye on Sissy, it is all just wiping me out.
So, I am going to try to rest up so I can be on time next week.
Wish me luck!

Stay cool everyone!