Sunday, October 30, 2011



This year, my mama made me Shrimp Nigiri (sushi).
(Yes, she knows there normally isn't any nori (seaweed) on it, but Daddy thought it looked bare and that something was missing.)

She thought about a Tamago (egg) option, but changed her mind.

Mama decided to torture my sister too!  She is a hand roll with Daikon (radish) sprouts, cucumber, and ikura (salmon eggs).

I helped Sister get through her first official Halloween photoshoot.  I told her that it didn't take more than five minutes, and you get a lot of chicken to sit still and be good.

But, she did well even without chicken.
She stayed awake and didn't cry.

Well, I hope you all have a great holiday and get lots of treats!
My sister will be going out with my cousins, Garrison and Beckett, tomorrow.
I hope she brings me back something good.

Monday, October 24, 2011

My sister's past weekend...

This weekend was the USC vs Notre Dame game!
Sister had to represent as she and my parents when to Uncle Andy and Auntie Laurie's house.
(I used to get to go to game days too to play with my cousins Harley and Lola, but now that there are babies in the family I stay home.  Another way my life has changed)

Sister got to hang out with Great Gpa, Auntie Deanna, and Auntie Laurie.  And she got to meet Uncle Andy, Uncle Michael, Auntie Ann, and .......

This was the babies' first meeting!  They are exactly one month apart in age.  Mia is older, and weighs 13 pounds (2 more than Sister)

This is the babies and our mommies.  It was VERY hard to try to get a picture where they were both happy.

They are pretty much the same size!  Baby Mia is a little chubbier in the middle, and Baby Emmie is a bit longer in the legs.  Other than that, they are pretty equal.  It should be fun to see how they both grow up, and how alike or different they are.

Mama is hoping they will be great friends!

Other than that...the only notable news is that my sister no longer gets swaddled at night to sleep.  Doctor's orders.  Sister doesn't like the traditional sleep sacks, so she wears the newborn outfit sacks.  So far, she is doing OK.  I can't say great, but she is getting used to it.  Mama says once she is used to the sleep sack, that Sister will transistion to her crib in our room.  But, Mama said I can stay in her and Daddy's room.  That means I will get my cuddle time with my parents, and a good night's sleep!

I'll keep you updated if anything else happens...but for now, I think I am just going to get some rest.  Have a good day!

Sunday, October 23, 2011


See this face?

5 years ago, I was born.
I was a present for Mama's birthday and Christmas!
So, Daddy found me, and they flew to Houston, Texas to pick me up.
Now, I am a California pup!

My sister bugged me to play with her all day today!  Gosh!  She can totally be the annoying little sister sometimes!  Luckily I was easily able to ignore her.

I spent the day playing with my new frog friend that my Mama gave me.
He came with an extra squeeker!  So, once I tear out the squeaker, it can be replaced and I can start all over again!

Then we played hide and seek with my daddy.  My frog friend and I hid under this blanket, but he found us pretty quickly.  Mama was laughing, she thought I looked like E.T.

So, although a lot happened with my sister the past couple of days, there isn't anything about it in today's post.  It is MMMMYYYY birthday, so today the blog is all about me.

Tune in tomorrow.  I will let you  know what Sister has been up to.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Week 5

This was actually a very stressful week for both me and my sister.  First of all, there were workers replacing the old wooden window frames on our condo.  The demo sounded like they were tearing down our house!  The walls were actually shaking at times!
The workers were nice enough to leave everything right infront of my house where I go potty.  Nice, right?

Then, Sister had to go to her one month doctor's appointment.
She was not happy. 
I wouldn't be happy either if I had to get a shot.
Even when she is naked, she is representing Kumquat (the clothing line)!  The pediatrician even mentioned how cute Sister's stuff was and asked where Mama got her dress and blanket.

But after a couple minutes, Sister was fine.  And the update is...
She is in the 95th percentile.  That means she is bigger than 95% of kids that are one month old!  Goodness!  I guess she takes after Mama after all!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


My sister had her one month birthday on Saturday the !5th.
To celebrate, she took her first trip to South Coast Plaza.
Mama was so proud.
Baby's first trip to the mall that Mama practically grew up in!
This is Sister on her way to the mall, in her outfit that Grandma got her.

In other news this week.  Emmie has gone through 364 disposable diapers in one month!
That's about 12 diapers a day.
She fits in her cloth diapers.  Mama is very excited about it.
But, the space between her legs is very wide, and since she still has a mountain of disposable diapers (thanks to our friends and family), Mama said that Sister can keep wearing disposable for a bit longer.

Other than that, Sister hangs out with Daddy a lot.
She has found that he can be quite comfy.
Something I have known for years.

This is Daddy with Sister again.  Mama thinks it's super cute.

As for me, I think I have taught my sister well.
Maybe too well.
I told her to bark when she goes potty, bark when she is hungry, bark when she is tired, and to bark when she wants attention.
I think she is already an overachiever, because she barks ALL THE TIME!
So, this is me on the landing of the stairs.  Trying to go upstairs to get aways from all the barking, but instead hanging out, so that I can keep an eye out on my Mama and Sister.

I hope you had a great week!

Monday, October 10, 2011

A nice weekend with Grandpa & Grandma

Grandpa and Grandma came to visit from Washington to meet my sister.
Despite them being here, this weekend was pretty low key.  Just hanging out with family.  They went to lunch with Great Gpa Chuck and Great Gma Grace and dinner with Auntie Candice, Uncle Rick and the cousins.  But most of the weekend was spent at my house with Grandma and Grandpa staring at my sister.  Not exactly my idea of fun, but they seemed to like it.
I was super bored.  I mean, sitting around, staring at a baby eat ,sleep and poop didn't sound like tons of fun.  UNTILLLLL.......
Grandma and Grandpa whipped out a present for me!
I love presents from them!  And they NEVER forget me!
I love them!

Then everyone went to the pumpkin patch.
It was SUPER busy and super crowded!
This is Grandpa and cousin Garrison picking out pumpkins to buy.  Garrison is super strong!
There are no pictures of cousin Beckett, he is too fast for Daddy's camera.

Look at what Mama found!
Now, I have heard of a Cabbage Patch Kid, but a Pumpkin Patch Kid?!

She slept through all of the chaos and commotion!
Look how small she is next to all the pumpkins!

Here Sister is, just thinking over what she and I are going to be for Halloween.  I hope she figures it out soon!

As tiny as she looks at the pumpkin patch, Sister is getting big!
She is 3.5 weeks old, and here she is wearing a romper in the size 3 months!
(Mama thinks she looks like a little monkey here)

Grandma and Grandpa had to leave today, but we can't wait to see them at Christmas!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Week 3

From what USED to be MY room.
Daddy remodelled it, and now I have to share with my sister.
Basically, it is now my sister's room, but I got to keep my bed in it.
I, of course, am my daddy's muse, and inspired the room.
But, it just isn't the same as having the room all to myself.

Here's a peek of what the room looks like.
If you want to see the whole thing, you should go to...

You can see pictures of all my daddy's hard work.  While you are there, click on the stars to rate him...give him a 5 star rating please!  He even got a shout out on Project Nursery's Facebook page!  Pretty impressive, don't you think?!

In week 3, not much has happened.  Sister is getting bigger though.  You can tell because her legs kind of hang off of her Boppy pillow now.  I don't know what she is thinking about, but Mama says that she is already showing her artistic side.  Not every baby can pose as a Rodin sculpture (The Thinker).

(I don't know why this picture won't rotate)
So, the only notable thing that happened this week, is that Sister can roll to her side while doing her "Tummy Time".  Mama says this isn't exactly a good thing.  It is good for her progression in motor skills, but now Mama really has to watch her when she is on the changing pad.  Mama has to make sure she doesn't roll off.
Sister's elbows are still kind of weak, so she falls to her tummy and just stares at her puppy friends.  But, she lifts her head from time to time and tolerates the exercise.

It was raining when this picture was taken.  So, Mama put "Babylegs" on my sister to keep her warm.  It was actually super cute.  I am jealous and wish I had leg warmers.

Hope you all had a great week, and I will update again soon!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

2 (and a half) weeks...

Sorry I am late.  This is my 2 week post, even though technically my sister is 17 days old.

Sister got several baths this week.  She saw lots of people, can Mama said she can't see people all crusty and milky.

UGH!  Sister's baths just reminded Mama that I was dirty and needed my ears cleaned!  Thanks a lot Emmie.

This is Sister with Auntie Ericka.  She looks comfy, doesn't she?
Emmie has visited a lot of people this past week.  Ji-chan (Great Gpa on Mama's side), Auntie Miyo, Great Grandpa Chuck, Great Grandma Grace, Auntie Kris, Auntie Deanna, and Uncle Jon!

We have pictures with everyone, but there were too many to post.

Grandma and Grandpa will be here next weekend from Mount Vernon, WA.  We can't wait!

On a side note:
The reason I had a bath this week is because it was under doctor's  orders.
I went to the vet because I stepped on something had an allergic reaction..  My back paw got a bacterial infection from me licking it all day.  So, the doctor gave me antibiotics (that I don't want to take), ointment (that I don't want to put on), and shampoo (that I don't want to wash with!).  My paw is much, I guess the doctor know what he is talking about.