Monday, February 20, 2012

See you next week...

Really quick...

This week is kind of busy.
Mama normally helps me download my weekly pictures (because I don't have thumbs). Unfortunately, my sister is feeling a little under the weather and Mama doesn't really have the extra time to wait for them to download.

But, quickly I will tell you that...

Sissy had a Dr's appointment.
At her 4 month appointment, they said to reschedule if she wasn't rolling over by 5 months, and wouldn't you know it? Her appointment was for the 17th, and she rolled on the 16th! No better motivation than a little pressure and threat of a doctor's visit. Way to wait to the last minute though, she's a procrastinator like my mama. Anyhow, on Thursday, she rolled 3xs, and on Friday at her appointment she rolled twice on cue! She only rolls from her back to her tummy right now. On her tummy, she still gets frustrated and just kicks really hard, but she'll figure it eventually.

Side note: she weighed in at 19 lbs 6 ozs

Saturday she spent the whole day with Daddy while Mommy cleaned the house.

Then, Saturday night, she got a fever and was super super hot. She has been super needy and super clingy ever since. She can't sleep, which makes her even crankier. I see another doctor's visit in her future. Needless to say, it has kept Mama busy.

I'll keep you updated, and will make sure to post next week like normal.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lazy, Cold, Holiday Week...

Like I said, it's been a LAZY week.
I am no stranger to naps.

Sissy has been LAZY during this COLD week too.
Here she is all bundled up during a nap.

 And here she is, in the same nap, all bundled up, but not napping anymore!

He, He, He!  My sister is kind of high maintenance, and she needs to have my mama in her sight at all times.  But, Mama doesn't always have a place to put her when she is going potty or switching the laundry over.  So, she has been putting my sister in the sink.  As you can see, Emmie is not always thrilled about it.  She's like, "Really Mom?  The sink?!"

But, she doesn't ALWAYS mind.

This week hasn't brought any huge milestones.  Although, she is still trying to roll over.

Swing the leg over..

Bring over the arms...

And then she's stuck.  Her big ole feet and chubby arms work as speed bumps.
But, to tell the truth, she doesn't really care pass this point.  There is no reason to roll.  Mama brings her everything she needs and wants.  And she picks her up every time she makes a peep.  So, why does she need to roll over?

But, my sister is keeping up with her morning exercises.  Gotta get her core strong!  Sit ups every morning.

She's been playing with the rings that Cousin Mia gave her.

But, like EVERY toy, she gets frustrated when they don't do exactly what she wants.
I have a feeling she won't be the best of sports in the future.
She gets upset, grunts, and throws down her toy.

It seems like it will rain one day, then be 80 degrees the next.
Mama said she looks like she should be in Hawaii.
So, this is a nod to her little boyfriend, Caleb, who was born the same week she was.  They seem  to be growing at the same rate,  play with the same toys, and have been doing the same stuff.  The BIG difference is, he lives in pretty Honolulu, and we are in Orange, CA.

Just this week's random picture of two happy sisters.

This is Sissy with the new Singamajig that Tia Ericka got her.  It makes funny, rock guitar noises.  Like every other toy, it goes in her mouth.

And like every other toy, she gets frustrated with it and grunts.  But, instead of throwing her toy aside, she put it in a choke hold.  Playing and chewing on toys is serious business.

When the grunting starts, I go and hide from it all in my crate.
This day, I dug and dug until I was able to shield myself from it all.

I crawled under and in between the bed pads until I looked like a turtle!

The family went to Miss. Madi's house for dinner.  Mrs. Lauren and Mama made Daddy and Mr. Scottie a lobster dinner!  This is right after Miss. Madi gave my sissy tons of kisses, it was super cute.

So, my sister has been trying really hard to say, "Puh" or "Buh"...
I like to think she is trying to say my nickname, "Bulls".

But, we realized that Sissy is trying to blow raspberries. 
She tries...

and tries...

and sometimes she gets it!

So, Sissy has one tooth for sure.  It is in a weird place though.  On the bottom left side, towards the side/back.  It is hard and sharp.  And she is has a tooth coming in, on the center bottom.

Mama and Daddy tried to get a picture of them..
They tried...

and tried...

But never got it.

Daddy and I worked hard tonight to put together a jumpy walker for Sissy.

Auntie Laurie and Uncle Andy got it for her.
It's a little. shiny, classic car!

Sissy and I discussed it.
It needs a side car.
Wouldn't I look good in a side bucket with an aviator cap and goggles?!

Safety first, she makes sure to check her mirrors and blind spots.

Daddy and I had to do a little work under the hood and jump the (AA) battery.

Unlike the doorway jumper, Sissy's feet touch the ground on this one, so she can jump!

Hands at 10 and 2!
Even though she does take safety precautions, I have a feeling I have to look both ways crossing the hallways.  I don't think she is a good enough driver to NOT run me over.

So, we covered the LAZY and COLD parts of the week.
Now for the HOLIDAY part.


So, do you know who has me in their sights as a valentine?

YUP!  That's right!  SISSY!

Thank goodness she didn't actually try to shoot me!
She has a pretty good grip on the bow and arrow.

I decided to play hard to get.

Although we fight, and we have typical sibling know...getting our parents' attention and fighting for toys...

We love each other, and are made for each other.

We hope you have a great day with your valentine.

So, I am going back to being LAZY and COLD.  It rained today, so I stole Sissy's blanket.
SSSHHHHHH, don't tell her.
See you guys next week!  Hopefully the weather will get better and I will have lots to report!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Not much to report...

I slept through a lot of it...
but, I think I can remember enough to give you a summary of this past week

My sister has a new past time.
I am not very fond of it. 
(Please excuse my glowing eyes)

My sister watches enough TV to know that...
"Riding the dog around the house like a horse is FROOOOOOWNED upon in this establishment!"

But, she does it all the time anyway.
I don't want to get in trouble, so I put up with it.

I am not sure how much more I can take.
I like having my bed all to myself.

Let's see, what else? 
Sissy got some new toys.
She always gets new toys.
I wish she would throw a dog a bone!
She said she would tell Mama to get me one next time too.

This one brushes her teeth.

This one goes in the fridge.
She likes these.  They are easy to hold on to, and they fit in her mouth.

This one keeps her attention.  Mama bought it at the same time our Tia (Ericka) bought Sissy a new Singamajig.  Tia said that Sissy wouldn't like this one, but she does!  It makes funny crinkly noises and looks like her favorite cartoon, WOW WOW WUBSY.

But, I think Sissy might have an attention deficit disorder.  She needs her mobile to be making music and making her bulldogs dance for her at the same time she plays with her toys.

We've been going for a lot of walks.
The front facing Baby Bjorn carrier is officially retired.  Sissy is too big for it.  Now she hangs out in the Ergo carrier.  It's a lot more comfortable, but Daddy says that she looks like a little monkey, hanging off Mama all the time.

Another walk, it gets super sunny and Sissy has to wear sun hats.
I am lucky, although I don't like it, I only have to wear a harness.  I am just glad I don't have to wear a hat!

Sissy has been using her legs a lot.  Mostly, making them look like frog legs.  But, she likes to kick and push off of things.

(The weekly random happy picture.)

Mama noticed that not only is Sissy sucking her thumb, but she has been grabbing blankies too!

So, Sissy has been exercising a lot.

Mama said that she her form from our Auntie Laurie who used to run a self defense gym.  I just think that Sissy is working on her moves for when I plan my sneak attack.

Sissy and I have also been doing some spring cleaning.
There is a Rubbermaid bin by my Sissy's changing table that Mama throws clothes in that are too small.

This is what has accumulated in the past four months.  This isn't even all of it!  The next day, Mama put another 10 or so outfits in the bin.

She still doesn't roll over, but she has been sitting up on her own!

Sometimes she looks like a little drunk baby.  She tips over easily.
But for the most part, she gets it.

Sunday, Sissy had to get ready for the big game at Uncle Andy and Auntie Laurie's house.

She no longer has to borrow Mama's sunglasses, she has her own.  In fact, she has 3 pairs!
She worked hard on her ensemble.
Everyone seemed to like it.

While watching the game, Sissy got to hang out with Great Grandpa!

Mia was super nice when they played.  She even shared, and gave Sissy some rings to take home!

Sissy didn't bring a lot of toys.  But, she offered her hands to Mia to put in her mouth.  Just in case Cousin Mia decided she didn't want to suck on her own anymore.

At the end of the night, they both got into their PJ's.
Auntie Laurie said that they were too stylish to be going to sleep!

Then, they took Great Grandpa home and them came home to me!
This is Sissy on the way to Great Grandpa's house.

And this is Sissy when they dropped him off.
There was so much going on, she was out before he even got to the door.

I was already asleep when they got home.
But, I still was happy to see my family walk through the door!

I hope you are all doing well, and happy to see your families too!
See you next week!