Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hang in there...This one is looooong

So, this is me hiding.
I just need some sleep.
It seems like there is a lot to report.  I am sorry, I know I promised a midweek post last week, but too much was going on and I just got plum tired.

Let's start with the most important stuff.
The stuff you tune in for.
Doctor's appointments.
This is me at my 4 week check up at the surgeon.
Apparently, I am doing well.  He said I am almost healed and the Xrays look good.  But, I still need to take it easy, which means no stairs.  And I have to go in 4 more weeks for more Xrays for the official "ok".

This is my sissy at her 9 month appointment.
20 lbs 9 oz
29.5" long
She is no longer in the monster huge catagory.  She is now in the 80th percentile.
Mama got an app on her iPad that estimates a baby's growth and tells you what they should be as an adult.  And it said that Sissy will be 6'1"!  Wow, let's hope that isn't right!

 Okay, let's start our post with playtime.
The pool with her friends.

The park w/Mommy.

Laguna Beach with her friends.

Awwwwe, isn't her friend Brennen a gentleman?

In a tube...

trying to crawl out.

The same park with the tube has a ton of water features.

Mama let Sissy stand next to one.  NOT IN ONE, but next to it.

And look how wet she got!

Her mini horse friends.
They come right up to the fence to say hello!

They were so short!  My sissy is standing up straight, and the ponies are only a little bit taller!

She went to her friend Hannah's house.

Hannah is older by a couple months, so she showed Sissy how to push the walker!  Sissy couldn't really do it.  But, she looks like she did!  Someday.

This is what Sissy looks like AFTER playdates.  Tired baby, strapped to Mama.

This is where I am when they get back from playdates.
I'm just as tired.

 Now, onto eating.
Emmie has been using her hands more to eat chunks of food.  This is her first attempt at tofu.

She didn't like it very much.

But she likes sweet potato fries!

She even sets the table for herself!  This is her placemat!

She went to dim sum with her friends.
This is Sissy anxiously awaiting some food.

She loved it all!

She went to eat sushi with Mama and Tia Ericka for Tia's birthday.
They don't call it sticky rice for nothing!

Apparently, whole peas are not fun.
She kept trying to smash them.

Now, for a couple of milestones.
As I reported before, we don't know why, but Grandpa and Grandma came into town, and everything started to happen!

 She started to clap!
If you blink really fast, you can see it!


she's crawling

She's pulling herself up on stuff.
(and using stuff as a step!)

She pulled herself all the way onto the ottoman!  She is super strong!

I thought I would copy her, and see what the big deal was.

Mom and Dad were not amused.

She learned to take apart the playmats.

She loves to take them apart, just so Mama has to put them back.

As you know, Grandma and Grandpa came to town. 
It was great.

She loves them so much!  We all do!

And with Aunt Karen here, it was like having two grandmas!

Sissy had so much fun at their birthday party!

Like every trip, they had to go home. Sissy gripped tight and begged them not to.  As a compromise, they went home, but Sissy, Mama, and Daddy will go to visit them next month.

It has been hot.

As you see, my air mattress has been leaking.  Look how low I am.
So, it is gone.
But, Daddy makes sure our house is still comfy for me to recover in.

 The family went to San Pedro to take Great Grandpa to lunch.
Here are a couple of random pictures from the Korean Friendship Bell.
Here is the bell.  You can see, there is a thin cord that is supposed to seperate the public from the bell.

But, Mama is a rule breaker, and made Daddy take a photo of Sissy on the thingy that gongs the bell!

It was pretty.  The ocean was only steps away!

Gotta stop to smell the roses!

It was super windy!  Well, really it was just the ocean breeze.  But it made my Sissy's hair crazy!

Crazy wood carvings.

PHEW!  I am tired!  I am sure there is more to report, but I forget.

So, goodbye for now from me and my sister.