Sunday, July 29, 2012

My sister's first trip pictures of me.
I was at home with my "other mama" (Kristin).
But, Daddy, Mama, and Sissy went to Washington to visit Grandpa and Grandma.

There are no plane pictures.
Because my sissy was WAY squirmy.  But she did well.  She didn't cry at all.  No meltdowns!
It was relaxing.
This is Grandma and Grandpa's backyard!

The deer came to play with me, but I was taking a nap.

This is my Sissy on the drive up to CANADA!  My sister is an international traveller!
Sissy had to use blankies, because Grandpa likes the car/house cold.  Well, cold for California standards.

In Vancouver, they went to the aquarium.

A lot of the exhibits were dark and Sissy didn't know what she was supposed to look at, but some were bright and fun!

Then, they went to a suspension bridge!  This was next to it for my sister to take her typical photo opportunity.

And here is another photo op.  Mama did everything she could to prolong the inevitable!

If you know my mama, she is petrified of piers (because of the wooden planks) and heights (duh, because they are scary).  And this was the worst of BOTH!
It was super scary, and had rocks and rapids far, far below it.
Mama sucked it teach my sister a lesson, that she can do anything.
(cue the violin music now)

But, once she crossed the bridge, she said it was pretty.

She had Sissy strapped to her the whole time.
On the bridge, she would look up at Mama and laugh!  I think she liked the shakes and wobbles.  Mama just kept saying, "It's not nice to laugh at your mama!"

See? Pretty.

But, pretty only lasts so long.
Mama had to cross the bridge again to get back to the car.

But, not with out more photo ops!
This one was hard because the stump was slanted downward.  I think that Daddy was more frightened that Sissy would fall forward on this stump than he was of the bridge.  (I don't think Daddy was scared of the bridge at all)
If you think this tree stump is big....


But, don't worry, Grandpa saved me.

This is the face Mama gets after putting her in a tree stump.

 They went to the zoo too!  They saw lots of animals!

(This one came super close to Sissy!)

AND SOPHIE!  Not this Sophie, but real life Sophies!

They were Sissy's favorite.

And she went on her first carousel.  She didn't quite understand to hold on, but at least she didn't cry.

There was a pretty garden next to the zoo.

There were some weird things those trees.

But, pretty things too, like lots of flowers!

It was just a cute garden all in all.

Here are some random pictures from Grandpa and Grandma's house. 
Sissy on the deck.

Sissy in the backyard.
Which is the green on the 15th hole.

Daddy was pretty proud that my sissy liked it out there.

Plus, it was not too shabby of a view during a nightly bottle.

Grandma and Grandpa made sure Sissy had everything she needed!  Books and toys galore!
Sissy was a good reader!

and a good eater!

and a good musician!

and a super good player!

Grandma was super great all weekend!  She and Grandpa were so much fun! And they are missed!

Bye Washington!

Stay tuned.
I know I say it all the time.
But, I will post again this week.
There are some playdates to update you on!

See you soon!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Fireworks mean SUMMER!

Yeah, yeah, yeah...I realize that I have been updating you on my family every 2 weeks instead of every week.  But, as you can see, the lazy days of summer have started, and I have been busy being...lazy.

Not a lot has happened...but here is what you have missed. 
Last week, after 9 long months, my sister got her first tooth.
It was impossible to get a picture, so you only get this blurry one.

For the most part, my sister has been in good spirits.  Mama has been giving her ice to make her "toofers" feel better.
Mama made a makeshift net bag for her to suck on.

She was pretty good at it.

Thank goodness Ms. Kim (Brennen's Mama) gave her a REAL mesh bag for ice.
Mommy says it makes a mess, but it makes Sissy feel better, so no one is complaining.

With these new toofers, my sister has been biting EVERYTHING! Including MY TOYS!

What the heck?!

I try to get them back, but she is good at getting away.

And it isn't fair!  She doesn't let me play with her toys!

She needs to lay off the biting and eating of random stuff.  Her belly is looking out of control!  Look at that "pom pom" (belly)!  What is in there?!

Sissy has been doing a lot of shopping lately.  She went to LA to get a new stroller.  After the family went to Jerry's Deli.  Maybe Sissy should ease up on the pastrami sandwiches.

She also went to some Swedish store for travel cribs and high chairs.

If you zoom in, you can see her toofers.  She has 2 now.  They are still small and short.  But they sure are sharp!

Ok, we all know she has been drinking from a straw cup for awhile now.  But, she got a new one, and it is for "big kids".  She is doing pretty good with it.  It is taking time, but she has gotten the hang of it.

But, Mama says that she is actually better at drinking from just a normal cup and straw.  So, why is she spending so much money on different cups?!

Sissy had a couple of Independence Day playdates.

Mama procrastinated on getting her an outfit and had to make her a tutu at the last minute.

My sissy didn't like it much.  She only wore it for about 20 minutes.

Look at Sissy!  I think she is going to join the circus!

This is playdate number 2.
Here she is in her new umbrella stroller.
There was a stroller parade.  Here she is with her friend Rory.  Don't they look like they are having fun?!

All in all, they did have fun.  There were a lot of friends there.

Sissy did what she does best.
Picked at flowers and grass and tried to eat them.

Of course, I am on top, because I rule this house.
Sissy is on bottom.  I hope she knows her place in the pecking order.
Not sure if you noticed.  But, Mama didn't even make the pole.  Wink.

That's all for now.
I'll see you soon.
I hope you are all keeping cool!